понедельник, 27 июля 2009 г.


All fisherman's in there life some where or from some body heard about such fish like a zander or English name,Pike Perch.It is very popular fish in Russia and many others countries.Zander it`s predictor like a pike or bass or normal perch,but like other fish he has his own style of life in big lakes and long rivers.We can say from begging,if we cough a zander ,that means this lake are clear,because zander likes` only clear water with a lot of different stones on bottom and nice white or gray sand,with gives his advantage for place to spend free time and walk with his babies.
In Cyprus fishing for zander interesting as well,for many years zander lives in Cyprus dams and he has a long history which means very big samples of this fish.Only 4 dams in Cyprus can give us opportunity for zander fishing.But it is not very easy how a lot of people think it about,to cough zander.Every dam has a specification of relief and water levels every season,and also a food for zander,in some dams you can find a lot of small roach or carps or other fish,in those dams where living zander,some times very difficult to find bait for him.Why I talking about live bait? because if we are talking a zander fishing in lakes or dams ,spinning is not a good idea for zander,and most popular method fishing for zander it is using a live bait.
Time and place for zander play`s a vary big role,I will give you example: in Kurios zander prefer a day and evening time till late,and for bait we use a roach or a small bass,Everu and Lefkara he likes more a fresh fille of roach meat with blood and 1 more difference it is deep.In Kurios ,zander more time spend in bottom,it is normal situation,and made his hunting also on in deep paces,but in same time in Lefkara,zander prefers making his hunting evening late and only 4-5m deep.You see the difference? Because the water level in Cyprus dams changing every day,and zabder try to find the most effective location for hunting and doing his zander-roads(name of road on deep,where zander usually likes to stay during his hunting).
During last 20 years,zander record was around 12kg,for Cyprus it is a quite big!
My personal record on Kuris dam was 2 years ago,6kg 700g,I use a live roach,26m from a coast and 6m deep.
On my photo you can see a zander 3kg 500g from Lefkara,I use a fresh fillet of roach and carp.

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